
Draw The Structure Of Acetanilide.

Acetanilide is a white organic solid compound used primarily in organic synthesis. Due north-phenylacetamide, acetanilide and acetanil are other names of this chemical compound. Information technology was used in the past to care for fever and headache and was known equally Antifebrin by its brand name.

Table of Contents

  • Aim
  • Theory
  • Materials Required
  • Apparatus Setup
  • Procedure
  • Crystallization
  • Observations
  • Results and Discussion
  • Precautions
  • Frequently Asked Questions– FAQs


To gear up the organic compound acetanilide from aniline, glacial acetic acid/acetic anhydride and zinc dust.


Acetanilide is prepared from aniline when it reacts with acetic anhydride/glacial acerb acrid in the presence of zinc dust. A mixture of aniline, glacial acetic acid, acetic anhydride and zinc dust is refluxed under anhydrous status so poured the mixture into ice cold water to become acetic anhydride precipitate. The crude precipitate of acetic anhydride is recrystallized to become pure crystals of acetanilide.

The chemical reaction is given below.

Preparation of Acetanilide

Zinc is used to prevent the oxidation of aniline during the chemical reaction. Acetanilide is medicinally important and it is used as febrifuge.

Acetanilide can also exist prepared by acetylating aniline with acerb anhydride in the presence of concentrated hydrochloric acid. Deliquesce aniline in muriatic acid and add acerb anhydride, and then stir well. Pour the mixture of sodium acetate into h2o. Acetanilide is formed which can be separated and recrystallised by ethyl alcohol.

Other names – Northward-phenylacetamide, N-phenylethanamide, Acetanil

Materials Required:

  1. Aniline
  2. Glacial acetic acid
  3. Acerb anhydride
  4. Zinc dust
  5. Distilled water
  6. Round bottom flask
  7. Beaker
  8. Pipette
  9. Reflux condenser
  10. Funnel
  11. Stirrer
  12. Bunsen Burner
  13. Filter newspaper
  14. Electronic balance

Appliance Setup:

Lab Preparation of Acetanilide


  1. Wash all the apparatus with distilled water before starting the experiment.
  2. Accept a circular bottom flask, and add 10ml of aniline, 20ml of acetic anhydride, glacial acetic acid mixture and zinc dust.
  3. Ready the reflux condenser with the round bottom flask.
  4. Heat the mixture gently for about 15-twenty minutes in oil bathroom.
  5. Pour the hot mixture in a beaker containing ice cold water with constant stirring.
  6. Stir the mixture vigorously to hydrolyse backlog of acetic anhydride.
  7. Once all the acetanilide is precipitated collect and filter in buchner funnel.
  8. The precipitate obtained is a crude sample of acetanilide. To get the pure crystals, crystallization should be carried out.


Transfer the crude sample into a chalice containing 20ml h2o and estrus gently. If the solution is coloured then add a pocket-sized amount of activated carbon. Filter the hot solution with a funnel. Cool the mixture for 30 min so that white shiny crystals of acetanilide separate out. Filter off the crystals, wash them with water and dry out in the folds of filter paper.


Colour of the crystals Colourless crystals
Shape of the crystals Plate shaped
Melting indicate 114oC

Results and Discussion:

The yield of Acetanilide is ______gm.


  1. Do not inhale the fumes of acetic anhydride.
  2. Always acquit out experiments in fuming chamber or near the window.
  3. Use the water condenser for refluxing the reaction mixture.
  4. Dry out the crystals of acetanilide before finding the weight and its melting point

Proceed visiting BYJU'S to learn more about grade 12 CBSE chemical science practicals.

Ofttimes Asked Questions on Preparation of Acetanilide

Name any 2 acetylating agent?

Acetic anhydride and acetyl chloride are the two acetylating agents.

What is the demand to add together zinc during the preparation of acetanilide?

Zinc is added to prevent the oxidation of aniline during the reaction. It reduces the coloured impurities present in the solution.

What is nitrating mixture?

The mixture of concentrated acids like nitric acid and sulphuric acrid is called nitrating mixture.

What is the IUPAC name for acetanilide?

The IUPAC name for acetanilide is N-phenylacetamide

Mention any two uses of acetanilide.

Acetanilide is used in the synthesis of penicillin and in other pharmaceuticals. It is also used every bit an antipyretic agent means fever reducing agent.

Draw The Structure Of Acetanilide.,


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